It is so horrible outside, grey and mushy. I've stayed inside with cups of hot chocolate and marshmallows and digging through my fridge to make soup. I threw on one of my favourite florals this morning. Flowers make me happy on such a dull day. The moody mauves and pale lilacs against the dark grey backgroud lift me up and the low scoop back that scoops enough but not too much that you can't wear a bra which helps on a night out dancing and it's falling down. Also a scooped back can mean you hold yourself straighter as the sleeves slip down easily-am I the only one who finds this? Genius! BAHHH, basically I can go on about this dress like it's a Rouland Mouret-truth be told it's from penny's and will probably have to be thrown out after a few more washes as it's already gone a bit bobbly after two!

Luv Lux
x x x

Luv Lux
x x x
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